
Pomodoro Timers are a big thing in ADHD circles and elsewhere. The Algorithm recommended a video to me with an example someone built into their ZSH shell aliases, and it seems like a really good idea.

2023-01-05 (Updated: 2023-01-05 )

I’ve seen more than a few questions on mailing lists and on chat servers about migrating DNSSEC-signed zones between different server software. These are the steps I used to migrate a number of signed zones to Knot from BIND.

2016-02-27 (Updated: 2016-02-27 )

I recently needed to install FreeNAS without being able to boot the installer on the target host, so had to resort to PXE and a network install. It was less straightforward than you might expect. This How-To should help anyone in a similar position.

2009-02-22 (Updated: 2010-02-15 )

It’s generally accepted in the DNS community that using a stateful load balancer in front of DNS servers is a bad idea. Here I present one alternative that doesn’t require running routing daemons on the servers themselves.